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Our Story


Our Story



Born in Glenwood Springs, about 45 minutes outside Vail, Teghan remains drawn to everything about the mountains - mostly skiing, hiking and bears. After learning how to party at the University of Colorado Boulder, and learning nerd stuff at Boulder Digital Works, Teghan moved first to frigid Chicago, and then to sunny California, where she began working for an advertising agency and met a striking and talented young man named Greg. 


Greg grew up in Atlanta, GA, raised by New Yorkers who had reluctantly moved to the South. He somehow found himself in St. Louis for college, later returning to Atlanta to attend a real and very legitimate school called The Creative Circus, where he didn’t receive a degree. He did, however, end up receiving a job offer that brought him to sunny California, where he met a beautiful and brilliant young woman named Teghan.


Teghan + Greg

Teghan + Greg


It’s a common piece of advice never to date your co-workers. It’s also the first piece of advice that Teghan and Greg ignored.

When they met in Los Angeles in 2011, Greg was immediately smitten by Teghan, and though they were only two cubicles away, he chose to woo her through the timeless art of instant messaging.

Once Teghan realized Greg wasn’t an intern, this strategy began to pay off. Gradually they began to spend time together outside of work, exploring the west side of LA and going on as many adventures as possible.

Both Greg and Teghan have always wanted to live in San Francisco, so when Teghan got a job there in 2012, she jumped at the chance. Greg followed a few months later, and they started a whole new set of adventures in the Bay Area.

In April 2014, Greg proposed, and Teghan said yes. Lots has happened in the meantime. Jobs have changed. Shows have been binge watched. And Teghan taught Greg to ski, mostly.


Now, finally, we’re getting married. We couldn’t be happier. And we couldn’t be more excited to share the day with you.




Our People

Our People

Teghan's Family


Teghan Tracy

Kirk Tracy

Sandie Tracy

Tessie Tracy

Greg's Family


Greg Halbreich

Michael Halbreich

Jackie Halbreich

Samantha Halbreich




Teghan's People


Greg's People